The corporate application of Tribanco, a bank based in Minas Gerais, had an extensive and outdated account opening process. Considering an upcoming important partnership, the onboarding process needed a quick redesign. Also, as a banking product, there were several limitations and requirements to be met to ensure the security of the account opening process.
Due to the sensitive nature of the product, it was not possible to interview or test the product with real users. As an alternative, extensive benchmarking was conducted on the main digital and traditional banks nationwide to identify validated best practices. Stakeholders were an essential part of the process, to ensure that the architecture was correct and according to baking rules. For the solution, we decided to follow an approach with a highly individualized step-by-step process to ensure that each step was clear to the user.
I was responsible for the new visual aspects of the interface, as well as it's interaction workflow.
After implementing the new onboarding process and the commercial partnership, the account opening rate increased from an average of 100 to over 1,000 in the first month and remained higher than usual in the following months.
Key takeaways
The fact that it wasn't possible to talk to users about such a complex workflow, makes it crucial to sit next to stakeholders. They were part of every step of this design, from really low-fidelity mockups in Figma just to be sure we got the steps right, up until high fidelity prototypes that aimed to clarify everything the user would see or do. Even though I always collaborated with other professionals before, this experience made me change the way that a work with different disciplines.

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